Happiness is transitory. It is dependent on the attainment of a desired goal, a cherished dream, a long sought after quest. After the effects of its achievement fade away, it is quickly gone, replaced by another illusory quest, another obsessive goal. Thus happiness is not lasting. After the initial euphoria has died down, it is replaced by a holy discontent, an empty feeling in one's soul. Not so with joy. It is the indescribable feeling etched in one's heart and soul brought about by the certitude of God's presence in one's life. It is the feeling of security and peace that nothing will happen to a person that is not ordained by God as good. It is the inner feeling of knowing in no uncertain terms that one's final goal is union with God in His heavenly abode. Joy is never dependent on outside circumstances but on the inner feeling of oneness with God. It is the intimate relationship with God who is no longer perceived as transcendent and beyond reach by our knowledge and senses but as immanent because He is actually living inside us. Joy is knowing that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and that we are being transformed by Him from glory to glory until we reach the whole measure of the fullness of Jesus Christ. Joy is knowing that at the end of our temporary pilgrimage on earth, we shall meet our Lord who will wipe all tears in our eyes as He beckons us to live with Him in His heavenly abode forevermore. THAT IS INDESCRIBABLE JOY.
Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Indescribable Joy, Happiness, Transitory, Constant, Presence of God, Being With God, Union With God, Heavenly Abode, Intimate Relationship With God, Transcendence, Immanence, Temple of The Holy Spirit, Transformation, Image of God, Eternal Life
Posted by: Mel Avila Alarilla
happines should be deep within us and we can only have this by knowing God. Another enlightening post again Mel. Thanks
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Joy is eternal no matter what the consequences are. Happiness is from the word "happening" ---when things happen in this sort of way , it can make someone happy. If it doesn't, it gives the opposite reaction . Happiness is determined by "happenings" when certain events only "happen."
i didn't understand the difference before but i do now. i have joy in my heart in spite of. i know i will be truly happy soon.
Hi Tey,
Happiness is different from joy. Happiness is dependent on the attainment of a goal. Joy is realization that God is with us. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi Bingkee,
I agree with your definition of happiness and joy. May we all strive to attain joy with our Lord. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Hi sis Pia,
As we grow deeper in our relationship with God and as He gives us His divine wisdom, we begin to understand the difference between the two. If God is with us, we have everything. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
Thank you Mel, really it is not the same. God gives us His peace on the inside. When bad things happen we know that God has a plan for our life.
Enjoy your life in spite of circumstances.
Enjoy life's journey!
Hi Krystyna,
Yes, joy is knowing that at the end of our temporary pilgrimage on earth, we will be with the Lord. And that is all that matters to us whatever our present circumstances maybe. Thanks for your visit and comments. God bless you always.
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